
DWS (aftermath)

I've been ignoring one of Lehigh's gems all semester on this blog! oops. Drown Writers Series wrapped up yesterday with a magnum opus reading that really packed the humanities center full with some really great poetry, fiction, and multimedia readings/presentations. Among the readers were me, Devin Donovan, and a whole bunch of (awesome!) undergrads presenting readings culled from visits to people living with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Really powerful stuff. Plus, there were bitchin' bourbon balls, cookies of all sorts and tasty hot cider. Damn, i love wintertime.

For a while this whole thing has been run by Wes Atkinson who, unfortunately, is now handing it over to Devin. I'm sad that it's done for the semester, but it'll be back in January with the new leadership and i'll be out front of it this time, so that i can hassle all y'all in the Bethlehem area to go see it when it rolls around in January or early February. B-hem can be a little light on the poetry scene sometimes, at least as far as i can tell in my short tenure here, but DWS is a gem because it doesn't do any of that frightening poetry reading stuff. It is and will continue to be an unpretentious, food-based gathering that wouldn't feel weird to someone who's never been to (or liked going to) poetry readings before. In short: there are no turtlenecks, no wine & cheese, and nobody (shudder) snaps after people finish reading. And with a strict time limit, you don't have to worry about that douche kid that always shows up with an epic poem wanting to read all 4 books of 400 lines each. He can fuck off.

Also, there should eventually be youtube videos of the halloween meeting featuring a goat, me playing the Misfits on ukulele and Wes in a labcoat. I'll be previewing and recapping DWS on A Lighter of Fires all next semester so stay tuned and drop by in January.

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