
Tea & Oranges

Tea & Oranges is "a collective of thinkers, poets, painters, singers, and lovers" run out of Gorham, Maine. They have oodles of free downloads by incredible musicians in the Maine/New York/Vermont area as well as fun things like stickers & buttons. All of the members of Tea & Oranges are thoughtful, beautiful, independent musicians making music simply for the love of doing so.

The collective also plans to release two books of poems in the coming months, written by me and Joanna Moyer-Battick and illustrated by the cofounders Milo Moyer-Battick and Jakob Battick.

This music has serious guts & soul and I think great music and great poetry can blur the lines between the two, so I strongly suggest downloading the free EP series "Early Flowers" and having a listen for yourself. The most recent release is by Border Towns, the brother-sister duo Natalie and Kennie Farrigan. Speaking of blurring the lines between song & poem, check out the demo "I'm Nobody" on their Myspace, a beautiful reimagining of the Dickinson poem.

Free music that feeds poetic hunger. What more could you want?

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